Friday, September 10, 2010

All You Did Was Weaken A Country Today

Everyone is talking about Craigslist finally folding and taking down its adult services section. Earlier this month they took it down on the U.S. Craigslist sites without public comment, replacing it with a "censored" logo. A couple of days ago even that censored logo was removed. The debate is centered around prostitution. And in particular around sex slavery, sex crimes and underage prostitution. Nasty stuff, which is probably why Craigslist eventually surrendered. It's hard to debate that kind of emotion with logic, even when the law is on your side.

And on Craigslist's side the law is. The EFF rightly sees this as nothing but a freedom of speech issue, saying "Through this now years-long struggle, Craigslist's legal position has been and remains absolutely, unequivocally correct...The federal statutory immunity upon which Craigslist relies is not some clever loophole. Rather...a conscious policy decision by Congress to protect individuals and companies who would otherwise be vulnerable targets to litigants who want to silence speech to which they object, illegal or not."

But Craigslist folded anyway. And in the words of Jack Nicholson in A Few Good Men, "You fuckin' people. You have no idea how to defend a nation. All you did was weaken a country today, Kaffee. That's all you did. You put people's lives in danger. Sweet dreams, son. "


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