Friday, October 29, 2010

Samsung Vibrant overclocked to 1.6 GHz

Vibrant Overclock

Another day, another tip about overclocking -- this time it's the Samsung Vibrant hitting a very fast, yet still believable 1.6 GHz.  The method isn't yet public (at the time of this writing), but at least these fellows have some benchmarks to back it up.  Besides the Quadrant benchmark (which is about useless on a Galaxy S phone -- blame the cheaters and developers lack of fixing the I/O scoring algorithm for that one) of 3196, they're showing off a Linpack score of 12.3.  Before you scoff, this is on the OMAP, still running 2.1.  That's fast.  Very fast.  I'm pretty sure most, if not all, of this will work with all Galaxy S phones, but the skeptic in me says wait for the developers to chime in on that one.

They have also been hard at work on tuning the GPU, and are getting incredible graphics benchmark scores, and these don't involve any suspect benchmark apps.  These are real, folks, and are the kind of scores we all wanted out of the Galaxy S phones.  I, for one, am awful glad to see the community deliver them.  I know benchmarks often don't translate into real-world improvement, but scores this high surely will.  Hit the source link to follow the progress, and read all the juicy details.  [AndroidSpin, CyanogenMod forums (down)] Thanks everyone who sent this in!

Posted originally at Android Central

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